Queermed Friends

Here you can find a list of community-based, mainly non-profit organisations and people who work together with Queermed. How can we work together? Would you like to work with Queermed? Then please get in touch via the contact form.

Hase im Pfeffer Logo

Ulla Scharfenberg / Der Hase im Pfeffer

Ulla is an activist who deals with intersectional and feminist issues. On Instagram and via weekly reviews, various topics are taken up and put into an intersectional context. It is possible to support Ulla's work through Steady.

feministische medizin e.v.

Feministische Medizin e.V

An association of intersectional and feminist medical doctors. The association offers events and produces publications on the topic of gender equality within the health system.

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A directory for gynaecologists, midwives, endocrinologists and gynaecological general practitioners.

In-Haus Media Logo

InHaus Media

In-Haus Media is a sub-project of In-Haus e.V. in Cologne-Kalk. The creative team supports Queermed in public relations through photography, design and other media work.

Queerlexikon Logo


Queerlexikon is an online contact point for lesbian, gay, bi+sexual, a_sexual, a_romantic, trans, non-binary, inter*, polyamorous and queer youth and children from rainbow families. Among other things, sexual diversity is explained there and services such as an anonymous suggestion box are offered.

Queermed Österreich Logo

Queermed Österreich

A directory for queer and trans-friendly doctors and medical professionals in Austria.

Roter Stöckelschuh Logo

Roter Stöckelschuh

The project offers a directory where sex workers can find safe health care facilities from doctors, therapists and counselling centres, but can also enter them themselves.

You want to get in touch with Queermed?

Feel free to get in touch via the contact form!

Kontaktbild Queermed Deutschland