Donate to Queermed
How you can support Queermed
Would you like to support Queermed and all the voluntary work behind it? That’s great!
All the work behind Queermed: Website, display material, guidelines, dispatch and much more cost Queermed a lot in terms of financial resources. Queermed is therefore all the more dependent on donations.
Donate to Queermed
If you would like to make a donation, please use these account details:
Account holder: Queermed Deutschland gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)
IBAN: DE98 4306 0967 1296 5416 00
reason for payment:
If you would like to receive a donation receipt, please send us your address details by e-mail.
Support Queermed via Steady!
Through Steady you can support Queermed financially on a monthly basis. This helps to cover foreseeable fixed costs such as hosting, shipping and printing. The amounts start at 3,50 € per month and every supporter package also includes an exclusive thank you. Have a look at the Steady page of Queermed!
You want to get in touch with Queermed?
Feel free to get in touch via the contact form!